On Current TV last night there was this short about weird and wonderful political parties. An interesting watch.

Anyway I was speaking to some lady in the street yesterday about the election and she said she would never vote conservative because she remembers what Maggie did etc etc. She then said Labour was the only political party as they looked after the people of the country. AND that was who she voted for.

A passer by then joined in and retorted “yeh and now there is an  man squatting in a house in London refusing to budge whilst  the other 2 “leaders” are squabbling over policies leaving the country to sink into chaos”. He made some disparaging remark about our “representative” and his non appearance electioneering in Neath, so I made my now standard remark “where is Guy Fawkes when we need him?”

Jeremy Paxman says bollocks on TV, which says it all

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